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大民间藏品交流活动通知环球文化公益活动——全国民间藏品惠民交流会 [查看原文]
Registration Certificate Database时间:2021-09-21 19:06
内容:The domain(s) listed below are due to expire in our certificate database within the next 24 hours: news.socang.com (2021-09-13) Your invoice is currently OVERDUE. Your automated payment method may have expired or failed for technical reasons. Upon expiration, your registration will automatically enter into a grace period in PENDING-DELETE status. During this time, the domain certificate will not be accessible so any web site authentication or email services associated with it will stop working. Do take note that if no payment is made within next 3 days, all data will be purged and deleted. SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT: https://registerwebsolutions.com/news.socang.com/a/1632222336/v3 Please ensure that you submit payment in full AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid any suspension or possible TERMINATION of service to news.socang.com. Disclaimer: We can not be held legally liable for any claims, damage or loss that you may incur because of the cancellation of news.socang.com. Any such damages may include but are not exclusively limited to: monetary losses, deleted data without backups, loss of position in search rankings, missed appointments, undelivered email and any other service, business or technical damages that you may suffer. For more information please refer section 41.a.2.f of our Terms of Service. This is the final renewal notice which we are legally required to communicate about the expiration of news.socang.com certificate. We support the environment and ask that you please consider the planet before printing this notice on paper. Our organization is proud to be part of the Zero-Carbon Waste Congress environmental group. All web services will be restored automatically on news.socang.com and associated systems upon full receipt of payment. We thank you for your urgent attention to this matter and continued business. SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT: https://registerwebsolutions.com/news.socang.com/a/1632222336/v3
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