http://www.socang.com   2018-10-30 16:30   来源:中国收藏网


  2014年,我们筹办“2015·首届中国杭州钱江国际美术展”,迄今已经4年。四年来,钱江国际美术展从蹒跚学步到走向成熟,不断摸索、改革、创新,逐渐形成了自己独特的策划理念、展览模式和品牌特色。四年来,2015年首届钱江国际美术展、2016年第二届钱江国际美术展、2018年第三届钱江国际美术展相继举办,参展国家的数量迅速增加,参展作品的质量稳步提升,逐渐扩大了自己在国内与国际艺术届的影响。而今,2018年11月2日-11月9日,由中国杭州钱江国际美术馆举办的“2018·第三届中国钱江国际美术展””在杭州图书馆举办,参展国家分别是澳大利亚、加拿大、哥伦比亚、爱沙尼亚、法国、圭亚那、印度、印度尼西亚、以色列、意大利、日本、韩国、黎巴嫩、墨西哥、摩洛哥、俄罗斯、波兰、新加坡、瑞典、美国、中国22个,展品超过 100 件,再次引起海内外艺术届的关注和期待。






(新加坡)麦毓权 《难忘的回忆》


(2018·3rd) China Qianjiang International Art Exhibition


  Now is the golden autumn again, and now comes the grand art event again.
  It’s been four years since we organized the 2015·1st China Qianjiang International Art Exhibition in 2014. During the past four years, after constant exploration, reform and innovation, China Qianjiang International Art Exhibition has developed to be more and more mature and gradually builds up its own unique planning concept, exhibition model and brand feature. Three China Qianjiang International Art Exhibitions have been held successively in 2015, 2016 and 2018, and we are happy to witness that not only there is a fast growing number of countries participating the exhibitions, but also the quality of the works exhibited steadily enhances. In this way, China Qianjiang International Art Exhibition expanded its influence in China and international artistic world. The 2018·3rd China Qianjiang International Art Exhibition hosted by Hangzhou Qianjiang International Art Museum is going to be held in Hangzhou Library from November 2nd to November 9th, 2018, with 22 countries (Australia, Canada, Columbia, Estonia, France, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, Russia, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Sweden, US and China) attending this exhibition and over 100 artistic works being exhibited. Once again, the exhibition catches the artistic world’s attention and also arouses their anticipation.


  The way that China today stepping to the future attracts worldwide attention, but at the same time, China also needs to know about the future world. The real world that we are now living in is not perfect, because people’s life and future are threatened by natural and man-made disasters such as ecological crisis, earthquake, tsunami, flood, hurricane, plague, nuclear pollution, war, religious strife, terrorist attack, etc. Due to the tension between human and nature as well as the conflict of civilizations, there is widespread anxiety about future, thus making it an important and urgent mission for us to explore it.


  There are countless possibilities in the future. Whether it will be a “harmonious world” with peace and prosperity or “the end of the world” with damaged ecological system and desolate homes, is depending on our choice, attitude and action. It is believed that people over the world should hold hands together to build a harmonious world and a bright future, which is not only a wise choice and sacred duty for us, but also a lofty spiritual mission for contemporary artists. Therefore, Qianjiang International Art Exhibition themed with “peace, freedom, humanities, environmental protection” received recognition and enthusiastic response from the attending artists. Regarding the subject of “future”, International artists used their creation with free minds and romantic imagination. In their works, we can see both the best appearance of future in their imagination and their deep insight about reality. Some of their works use traditional pattern to reveal the essence of visual art and the artists’ personal experience and findings; and some of their works emphasize on the exploration of art language and innovation of diversified forms, opening a new world to art. All the works together build an extraordinary artistic world that transcends reality and moves toward future. This artistic world records the efforts of human beings striving to go out of realistic predicament and to build a better future, and it also bears human beings’ dream from ancient time.

(Mexico)Alejandra Phelts《My Backyard 》

  During the exhibition, to reflect the theme of “peace, freedom, humanities, environmental protection”, an international seminar will be held. The attending art theorists and artists from China and foreign countries could have indepth discussion on this topic and contribute to the world art civilization together!

  (2018•3rd) China Qianjiang International Art Exhibition Organizing Committee
  November 2nd, 2018


(Italy)Fabrizio Riccardi《 Aucun Difference》

(India )Anita Tiwary《 Life is a Celebration 》

(Guyana)Andrew Sookra《Killarney.Rock.Wall.Stories》h

  • 推荐关键字:中国钱江国
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