The Hangzhou Gao camera of collection museum brief introduction(杭州高氏相机收藏馆简介)   2008-02-27 09:29   来源:

The Hangzhou Gao camera of collection museum that is a family three generations collecting build-up achievement more than 70 years.

In 1935 we has bought the first cameras USA Kodak SIX-20.

In 1960 Gaojisheng bought a Germany Zeiss camera by first month salary.

When to 1986, 12-year-old Gaojunling bought one Germany Leica camera in Beijing we have been collected almost 200 antique cameras at that time.

we scrimped and saved during 10 years. we set up Photo studio and material store in Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou. We have published the hundreds of antique camera comment.

In 1993, Hangzhou Gao camera of collection museum to be found. we display 300 antique cameras.More than 30 province domestic and international medium has reported us.

In 1999, the Hangzhou garden culture bureau confirm the Hangzhou Gao camera of collection museum, which becomes the first Chinese camera museums by Country  Garden Culture Bureau approved. We have registered 1100pcs cameras.

Gao collection museum sets up three exhibitions zone:

1100 pcs of Cameras.

100pcs of Optical Instrument.

100 pcs of writing of famous calligrapher and artist.

The Hangzhou Gao camera of collection museum collecting camera history is early and collect a lot of the choicest goods.

We treasured United Kingdom and France Box-slidding camera before 150years, Germany Agfa camera magnesium light. “XingShengChang” on location camera between the end of Qing Dynasty with beginning of Ming Dynasty. The World War IIGermany army Leica camera, Hitler ‘s air force avigation camera lens, 360 kgs. of Germany Zeiss Jena microscope. Spy camera in the period of Japan invade China war, Marine sextant in the period of Japan invade China, The first car lamp style of “XingFu” camera in 1956.Copy the shape of original “ALTISSA”.

These rarity collection is top choicest goods in American, Germany, France, US national museum, some of collection are unique in china

we have already receiving more than ten countries 100,000 amateur during the past 15 years. we free identify more than 20600  times. We write an article in 2005, "the antique camera collecting and appreciating ". More than 400 medium including of "XinHua News Agency" has reported and introduced this news.

USA "world daily ", "the first Shanghai finance and economics dailies ", Zhejiang "cultural exchange " ,Chinese international broadcast station  publish introducing us. We are the smallest collection museum in whole province museum ,but we have highawareness in Zhejiang province. We have insisted on collect old camera career. We’ll dedicate ourselves to building up zhejiang province culture. Rush out of Zhejiang, towards a world.

Our collection museum serve free visit and free identify. We welcome camera fan visit us and communicate with each other.


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